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Etterbeek Chaussée Saint-Pierre 373 - 1040


The Green Heart of the European District !The Aquila project focuses on two separate buildings, surrounded by Greenery. With their close proximity to the European Quarter, and situated just a stone's throw ayway from the Cinquantenaire Park, the two residences will benefit from the friendly and lively atmosphere of the neighbourhood, particulary popular with Eurocrats. Close to public transport, major highways and acces roads to the city ! Underground parking facility available at 40.000 euros.

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Soort huis:The Green Heart of t Gebouwd in:
Aantalgevels: 2 Gevelbreedte:
Woonoppervlakte:118 Perceeloppervlakte:
WC: 1 Aantal badkamers:
Garage: Zolder:
Terras: Aantalwoonlagen:
Tuin: Locatietuin:

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